👋 Welcome to Auckland Schools' Debating Advanced Open Northern Zone 2025

Welcome to Auckland Schools' Debating Premier Advanced for 2025. Debates will be taking place at St Cuthbert's College 

Dates and Motions

Round 1 - March 18th

Round 2 - April 1st

Round 3 - May 13th

Round 4 - May 27th

Round 5 - June 10th

Catch-up Round: Tuesday 24th June

Break Announcement:  Thursday 26th June

Octo-Finals: Tuesday 29 July

Quater-Finals: Tuesday 12 August

Semi-Finals: Tuesday 2 September

Finals: Tuesday 9 September

Grade Information

All debates in Advanced Open are limited preparation. Teams will be provided with 1 hour to prepare.
The motion will be announced at 5:00pm and 6:30pm, with debates starting at 6:00pm and 7:30pm respectively. Teams should arrive 15 minutes before the motion will be announced.

Time Slot / Side / Adjudicator Release 

Team and adjudicator allocations will be released at least one week before each debate. Please check the relevant document here for all details

Round 1 5:00's draw has yet to be released
Tournament Staff

Contact Us:
Email: info@asd.org.nz

Grade Convener: Virginia Quartermain - 0278474464
Competitions Manager: Virginia Quartermain - 0278474464

For all queries about the grade including, motions, draws, scheduling, catch-up requests and defaults please Virginia Quartermain. 

Contact Deadlines:
All catch up requests must be made by emailing the ASD email (info@asd.org.nz) by Monday 4pm, the day before the debate.
Notice of a default after Tuesday 12pm, the day of the debate must be made by email and by calling the grade convener. Any requests after Tuesday 2pm will be considered a default without notice.