👋 Welcome to Auckland Schools' Debating Advanced Open 2025 - Central Zone
Round 1's draw has yet to be released
Tournament Staff

Contact Us:
Email: info@asd.org.nz

Grade Convener: Virginia Quartermain- 0278474464
Competitions Manager: Virginia Quartermain - 0278474464

For all queries about the grade including, motions, draws, scheduling, catch-up requests and defaults please Virginia Quartermain. 

Contact Deadlines:
All catch up requests must be made by emailing the ASD email (info@asd.org.nz) by Monday 4pm, the day before the debate.
Notice of a default after Tuesday 12pm, the day of the debate must be made by email and by calling the grade convener. Any requests after Tuesday 2pm will be considered a default without notice.