Welcome to Seasonals 2025!
8.20 Zoom Opens
8.40 Tournament Briefing (teams joining after 8.40 will be excluded from the Round 1 Draw)
9:00am R1 Motion Announcement
9:30am R1 Debates Commence
11:15am R2 Motion Announcement
11:45am R2 Debates Commence
1:15pm Lunch
1:45pm R3 Motion Announcement
2:15pm R3 Debates Commence
4:00pm R4 Motion Announcement
4:30pm R4 Debates Commence
6:15pm Prize-giving
6:30pm Day Concludes
Announcements Document: Here
Contact Us:
Email: info@asd.org.nz
Convenors: Virginia Quartermain (0278474464)