
Novice Finals

  • 1
    This house would require first world countries to pay reparations to third world countries for climate change.
  • 2
    This house would remove patents on green technology.
  • Novice Semifinals

  • 1
    1. This house prefers a world where livestock are sentient but genetically engineered to want to be eaten.
  • 2
    2. This house, as a member of Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012), would choose to have a pet animal instead of a child.
  • Grand Final

  • 1
    This house would lower income tax rates for women.
  • 2
    This house regrets the narrative that women can have it all
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    1. This house prefers a world without the concept of an afterlife.
  • 2
    2. This house prefers a world where gods are portrayed as imperfect.
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    1. This house prefers a world where livestock are sentient but genetically engineered to want to be eaten.
  • 2
    2. This house, as a member of Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012), would choose to have a pet animal instead of a child.
  • Round 4

  • 1
    1. This house prefers a world where people do not strive to leave behind a legacy.
  • 2
    2. Tall poppy syndrome refers to people being criticised when their peers believe they are bragging about their success. This house regrets Tall Poppy Syndrome.
  • Round 3

  • 1
    This house, as Caesar, would cross the Rubicon.
  • 2
    This house, as the alien species, would make contact with humanity.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    This house would raise their child to prioritise their personal ambitions over the communal good.
  • 2
    This house would require prospective parents to obtain a parenting licence before having children.
  • Round 1

  • 1
    This house would allow criminals convicted of life imprisonment to choose the death penalty.
  • 2
    Assuming technology exists that can accurately predict whether people will commit crimes, this house would use the technology to preemptively arrest those individuals.